The club has an upstairs room (50 square metres) available for booking. The room has a seating capacity of around 30 to 40. The room can be used for meetings, rehearsal space, theatre, performance and comedy. People using the room in the evening are able to use the bar facilities. It has a small annex with a sink and there are separate toilets on the stairs landing.
As well as for meetings, we can host Theatre Groups and similar productions, which are usually without a hire charge, but on a shared door take basis. In general, rehearsals have to be paid for, but we will consider any proposals.
To book the room, contact the Bookings Officer here. You can email the Bookings Officer directly at with any queries, or phone the club after 7.00pm (020 8992 4557) (Sunday – Friday). Please note that bookings cannot be taken over the phone. Bar staff may check the diary for availability, but all bookings must go through the Bookings Officer.
For accessibility, please see our Access page.
Rates are currently as follows:
Labour Movement 3 hours for £24 and £8 for additional hours
Others 3 hours for £45 and £15 for additional hours
The bar area is also available for hire at £40 per hour. Please contact the bookings officer with any queries.